February 12 - 17
- 2 days in Vancouver - BEAUTIFUL CITY

Vancouver is a BEAUTIFUL city. I think it a good balance of city and nature. I'm not much of a shopper, and even I could appreciate all the shopping options in the city. (I've never seen so many shoe stores on one street in my life.) It's nice shopping in downtown Vancouver, and looking up to see the snow-capped peaks of the mountains in the distance. You never see that in Texas.
- 3 days of snowboarding in Whistler
It was probably a really bad idea to do so much shopping and sightseeing in Vancouver because on the morning of our snowboarding trip, I woke up feeling really sore. That was not a good sign. But I still had a really good time the first couple of days, especially when you don't get to see this every day:

This picture doesn't really capture it. Whistler is really beautiful. There were many points where I just needed to stop and sit down off the side of the trail just to check out the scene.

Here I am with some random snowboarder. Just kidding. It's David hidden under that gear. (Or Vince, who knows)

This is me, defeated. On the final day, I went down one trail by myself (my fellow beginner partner had already gone home). I admitted defeat as I tumbled down the mountain, but came out a winner after deciding to get lunch, a bloody Mary, and 5 beers. It was excellent.
So, it was an amazing trip. I really want to go again, maybe again next year - after my muscles recover and my finances replenish. Not the cheapest of vacations, but worth it =)
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