Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Getting back on track... (again)

After the wedding, I've been indulging myself in all sorts of luxuries, such as carbs after 5. It's been great. But now, it's back to maintaining my healthier lifestyle.

Tuesday, 10/7
  • Elliptical Trainer: 45 min (~3.6 miles)

Wednesday, 10/8
  • Elliptical Trainer: 45 min (~3.6 miles)

Thursday, 10/9
  • Elliptical Trainer: 45 min (~3.6 miles)
Sunday, 10/19
  • IBM Uptown Classic 5.3K
    3.29 miles - 41:33 minutes
    Average pace: 12:38 min/mile
Sunday, 11/9
  • Run For The Water 5K
    3.1 miles - 35:09 minutes
    Average pace: 11:20 min/mile
Wednesday, 11/12
  • Elliptical Trainer: 30 min (2.28 miles)


Jannie Funster said...

Congrats on your wedding. That's exciting. I lasted 10 of the 14 jump-start days on the South Beach diet. But boy, I had never really tasted cheesy puffs until I broke that diet.

How did I find your blog? Funny yous should ask... I clicked on the "Austin" tag on Blogger, as I live in Austin too. And up popped your site's link.

Pretty cool.

I'm relatively new to blogging and loving it.

Nice to "meet" you!


Amy said...

Hi Jannie, thanks for your comment. Actually, it wasn't my wedding; it was my friend's, and I was a bridesmaid. =) I know what you mean about really tasting a cheesy puff, haha Anyway, welcome to the blogging world!