Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weekly Summary, 3/10 - 3/16

Monday, 3/10
Plan: Stretch & Strengthen
Actual: Rest (... well... kinda... Went out to 6th street with my sisters and ended up dancing like crazy people. This will henceforth be referred to as "cardio.")

Tuesday, 3/11
Plan: 3 mile run
Actual: Rest

Wednesday, 3/12
Plan: 40 min cross training
Actual: Ran 3.02 miles - 35:21 minutes (11:42 min/mile average pace)

Thursday, 3/13
Plan: 2 mile run + strength
Actual: Ran 2.22 miles - 27:06 minutes (12:12 min/mile average pace)

Friday, 3/14
Plan: Rest
Actual: Rest ("Sex and the City," wine and apps, with Kristen and Thuy =))

Saturday, 3/15
Plan: 60 min cross training
Actual: Ran 5.0 miles - 1:05:07 (13:01 min/mile average pace)... In 90 degree weather, this run was BRUTAL!!!

Sunday, 3/16
Plan: 5 mile run
Actual: 2.5 hour "cross training" (aka shopping)


DLam said...

I have a blog now!!! Be mostly for running and animation.

DLam said...

Thanks. Im sore!